Blonde Chocolate 37% cocoa Domincan Republic single origin Dutch Baby Love 100g

6,95 incl. BTW

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Blonde chocolate with chunks of beschuit (dry, airy cracker) mixed into the chocolate then topped with muisjes (“little mice”; sugar coated aniseed). When there is a birth in the Netherlands, everyone who goes on ‘kraam bezoek’ (visits the new mother and baby) are traditionally treated to beschuit met muisjes. It is a round, dry and airy cracker topped with butter then sprinkled with either pink (for a girl) or blue (for a boy) sugar coated aniseed.
The blond chocolate (homemade white chocolate made with caramelized milk powder in this case) here pairs beautifully well with the beschuit. It also makes for a tasty, sweet combination with the aniseed.


Cocoa information

Cocoa Origin: Domincan Republic Oko Caribe (Duarten, North East of Domincan Republic). Region San Francisco de Marcoris

Type: Social enterprise

Average farm size: 2Ha

Certification: Organic


Ingrediënten: Cacao boter (Dominican Republic Oko Caribe), volle melk poeder (nl), suiker (nl). Beschuit: TARWEBLOEM, suiker, glucosestroop, gist, emulgatoren (SOJALECITHINE, E433, E470a), 1,2% VRIJE-UITLOOPEIEREN, raapolie, ROGGEBLOEM, TARWEVEZELS, zout, meelverbeteraar (ascorbinezuur). Kan andere glutenbevattende granen en sesamzaad bevatten. Muisjes: Suiker, anijszaad, TARWEZETMEEL, glucosestroop, glansmiddel (carnaubawas), kleurstof (karmijn, indigotine)

Allergie informatie: Bevat melk, tarwe, soya, glutenbevattende granen. Wordt verwerkt in een omgeving waar allergenen aanwezig zijn. Kan sporen van andere allergenen bevatten.

Bar size 100g



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